
SwiftUI: how to download and parse json data and display in a list using the swift UI PreviewProvider

In this new SwiftUI tutorial you will learn with a simple example how to asynchronously download json data from an url, parse the data using the new Swift decodable struct utility, how to use the SwiftUI to define a custom ...

Flutter grid view image gallery: how to download and display images

In this new flutter tutorial, you will learn how to download json data in flutter in an asynchronous way using the future builder, how to parse a simple list of string defined in a json data structure, how to create a ...

How to download and parse json data in flutter

In this new flutter tutorial, you will learn how to download data in flutter, how to use the future builder flutter functionality to download the data asynchronously, how to parse the json data in a dart structure by decoding it using ...

Swift 4: Coding and Decoding JSON structure with the Encodable and Decodable protocols

In this new tutorial you'll learn how to decode and encode a json object using the new Encodable and Decodale protocols (defined in the new Codable type), and how to do a custom decoding by doing some data manipulation during ...

How to create a Facebook Gmail like sidebar menu in IOS with swift 3 and handle the view hierarchy

In this swift 3 tutorial you'll learn how to create a Facebook / Gmail like sidebar menu. You'll see with an example how to add the gestures to handle the sidebar menu, how to manage the side menu in order to add ...

How to create a login screen page in swift 3: authenticate an user and keep the session active

In this new swift 3 tutorial you'll learn through an example how to create a simple login sign in screen page, how to send the login information with the HTTP post method to your server to start a new session for your ...

Android out of memory: how to load large bitmap from url efficiently

In this tutorial you'll learn how to download and load large bitmap images from an url in an efficient way to avoid the android out of memory error. You'll see how to create a simple class that use the ExecutorService java ...

UIRefreshControl: how to use the iOS UITableView pull to refresh in swift 2

In this new swift tutorial you'll see how to implement the pull to refresh iOS functionality for a UITableView using the UIRefreshControl component. In this tutorial you'll see how to download data from an external url using the NSUrlSession swift ...

How to upload images using swift 2: send multipart post request

In this new iOS 9 tutorial you'll see how to upload an image to a server with a multipart post request using swift 2. You'll see how to allow the picture selection from the device gallery using the UIIMagePickerController and how ...

Swift data structure: how to create, sort, filter array of objects in swift

In this tutorial you'll see how to creare in swift complex data structure of array and objects and how to properly manage them. You will see how to define a data structure, how to add new items, how to filter ...

How to parse and extract json data in swift

In this new swift 2 tutorial you'll learn how to parse json data structure in order to send complex data structure as a String to an external server. You'll see how to prepare the array of objects to send and how ...

Swift try catch example: how to do error handling in swift

In this new swift tutorial you'll learn how to use the new swift 2 try catch syntax, to perform error handling. You'll learn how to use the try, catch, throws, enum and guard statement in order to perform a good ...

Protocol delegate in Swift: how to define and use a protocol function to handle external events

In this tutorial you'll learn with a basic example how to use a protocol in Swift to handle events coming from an external class. You'll see how to define a protocol function in Swift, how to the define the delegate of the ...

iOS push notification: how to send messages and get the certificate Part 1/2

In this two parts tutorial for Swift 2.0 you'll learn how to use the push notifications in iOS. You'll see how to properly get from the Apple member center the required certificates. In particular, the certificates that you need to ...

UICollectionView image gallery: download and display images inside the cell

In this Swift 2 tutorial you'll see how to use an UICollectionView as an image gallery. You'll see how to download the images in an asynchronous way, how to properly cache them for the current session, to avoid to download them again ...

NSURLSession in Swift: get and post data

In this new Swift 2 tutorial you'll learn how to use the NSURLSession Swift function. You'll see different examples that illustrate how to define the different NSURLSession methods in various scenario, for downloading data or sending post requests. VIDEO_3Q7v5V4N7dk_VIDEO Let's start this new tutorial by creating ...

iOS UIScrollView in Swift

In this tutorial you'll learn how to use the UIScrollView component in Swift. In this simple example you'll see how to properly define the UIScrollView and the required constraints into the storyboard, in order to have a working UIScrollView. Here is the example ...

Swift cache: how to download and cache data in iOS

You'll learn how to cache data in swift by developing a local cache based on core data for the downloaded data. You'll see through an example how to define a custom Table View for iOS using Swift, how to load the json data that define ...

Swift image from url: How to load UIImage from url

In this tutorial you'll see through an example how to load image from url using Swift. You'll see how to add in the storyboard the UIImageView component, how to load the image programmatically from URL and how to display the image data ...

Windows phone ListView tutorial: how to load data from JSON

You'll learn how to define a custom windows phone listview using C# in Visual Studio Express. You'll learn how to load data from url using the JSON format in an asynchronous way, how to define the xaml for a custom ListView and display ...

Android listview: load data from json

You'll learn how to load data from URL in Android, how to define the Android ListView and how to use the JSON format in an Android ListView component. You'll see how to download data from URL in an asynchronous way using a Thread, how to extract the data from ...

UITableView custom cell: how to define a custom cell with swift in iOS

You'll learn how to define a custom UITableView cell in swift for iOS. You'll see the main steps to design and define a custom UITableView cell, a custom uitableview header and an uitableview footer sections.  This is the example for custom UITableView cell you'll obtain using ...

UICollectionView custom cell layout: how to define a custom cell with swift

In this tutorial you'll learn how to define an UICollectionView custom cell layout for iOS 8 with swift. You'll see the basic steps for defining a collection view, a custom cell layout and data loading from url using the JSON format. VIDEO_KuHBBAJPePg_VIDEO This ...

Responsive Website: How to design a screen responsive Website

In this tutorial you'll learn how to design a screen responsive website using css. You'll see how to design a structure for a simple responsive website with the header, the main content, the sidebar and the footer. A responsive website is an html page ...

Swift Side menu tutorial: how to create a custom side menu in iOS

In this tutorial you'll see how to create a custom side menu for your iOS app using Swift. You'll learn how to define your custom container view that manages the center view and the side view, how to define a protocol ...

Swift core data: how to store objects

You'll learn how to store data in swift using the core data entity. You'll see how to use core data to save, read data and clear data from your iOS app. We'll see a simple example that shows how to define an entity ...

Display html code in php: how to display html code with php

in this tutorial you'll learn some techniques to display html code in php. PHP is a great programming language that allows you to create dynamic pages by writing directly the HTML or Javascript code. PHP is on the basis of a lot of ...

Swift UITableView: Load data from JSON

In this tutorial I'll explain you how to fill an iOS UITableView component by loading the data directly from an URL using the JSON format. You'll see how to define a tableview controller in swift, how to load the data ...

How optimize website

Optimizing yoour website is one of the required steps that allow you to increase the performance and the site load speed. In this how to article you'll learn some techniques for optimizing your website by compressing the images for a web site.   Resize image The first ...

UIImage from URL with Swift

UIImage from URL tutorial: If you are new in Swift for iOS 8 and you want to load an image in a UIImage view from URL, then you are in the right place. In this tutorial you'll learn how to ...

How to download video from youtube

Do you want to download a video from youtube to store it in your computer, but you don't know how to do it? You need to know that there are several online services completely free that allows you to download a video ...

How to save file in pdf format

Do you want to save a file in pdf format, but you don't know how to do it? Don't worry, today I'll show you a completely free and fast way to save every kind of file in pdf, without using any software. So ...

Screenshot on Mac

Do you want to take a screenshot of your new Mac but you can't find at all the STAMP button as you always have done with windows? Don't worry. Take a bit of your time to read this article and you'll ...

Icon in photoshop: how to make icons

Photoshop is a great tool that allows you also to make icons. Today in this article icon in photoshop: how to make icons you'll discover how to make icons in photoshop with a simple and effective example. Here is the icon that ...

Levels in photoshop

For those who have never used Photoshop, it can be really tricky to manage the photoshop levels. In this article I'll explain to you the levels in photoshop and you'll see that it's really easy and fun. For better understanding the photoshop levels, ...